When Philippe and Gabriel worked on “La Nuit” he had in mind to record a female Spanish singer for the chorus and ending part. He thought that this would marry well with the flamenco guitar parts written by Arturo Ramon. Through Javier Zacharias famous arranger and composer based in Argentina he was able to get in touch with Agus Vivo. Agus is the singer of the band “La Femme D’Argent”. La Femme D’Argent is an Argentinean synth pop band from Buenos Aires mixing intimate melodies from her lead singer Agus to a very elegant electronic background. They released their first LP, “Muro de Planck” in 2019 which benefits from a strong science fiction influence. She kindly agreed to record some vocals for the ending as well as backing the Spanish chorus in Javier recording studio in Argentina. If you don’t know this band, I strongly advise you have a listen.